1. Complete Lienholder Certification and Signature section. 2. Have application notarized. 3.With SNAP benefits: You can buy any food item except alcohol or prepared meals sold hot and ready to eat. You can even buy seeds or plants for growing food. After the clerk fills in the voucher, the clerk will call to see if you have enough SNAP benefits to buy the food. Learn how to retrieve your car from repossession with the assistance from the Law Office of Eric Kornblum, MA. Get back on the road fast. The California Debt and Investment Advisory Commission (CDIAC) provides information, education, and technical assistance on debt issuance and public. Yes, you have to list all of your debts even if you are current with that creditor. That said, Snap On will be fine with your Bankruptcy case filing. All your Massachusetts EBT and food stamp (SNAP) questions answered in one handy place.