This form must be filed along with the Complaint for any claim incurred in the course of plaintiff's trade or commerce, or for assigned debt. 1 In Massachusetts, every person restrained of his liberty is now entitled, as of right and of course to the writ of habeas corpus.Chapter 247: REPLEVIN. Making "service of process" involves serving a copy of a summons and a copy of the complaint to each of the defendants. The Circuit Court has a form for the Complaint for a Writ of Replevin. To appear and then and there . . . The official postjudgment forms provide useful starting points for research. Writ in the Second District Court of Bristol dated March 14, 1916. Waived if you fill out the following form and send it to the court with the COMPLAINT, Cover Sheets and completed Summons forms: 1. PART V.-JURIsDIcrIoN ON WRIT OF CERTIORARI. 19.