The Plaintiff(s). sues. Defendant(s). An action for replevin must be filed in a court that has the power to handle the case.A stray male cow wandered into her property. After you have regained possession of your property, you must proceed to get a Final. 81 legal authority, short of a court deci8i.on. For carrying out administrative duties. Hunting, trapping, or fishing out of season or in a closed area. HurBt tor the replevin of several evealag al 7 o'clock, Refreshments buggies, has been continued to the "'" '" wrved and eaofa article will next term of court. 588.16 Authority to impound livestock running at large or strays. He expects within the near future to post in the local drug stores the names of books suitable for holiday gifts to children. Supt.