This form must be completed when a vehicle is repossessed. All fields are required to be completed.Copy: Submit to Tax Collector's office along with application for Certificate of Title or Certificate of. Repossession. This page will provide an overview of Florida's Repossession Laws and what you should know if you've fallen behind on car payments. This document provides essential instructions for completing the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles Repossessed Motor Vehicle Affidavit. If you're in Florida and your car has been repossessed, you still have the opportunity to redeem your car or reaffirm your loan. The Administrative Fee will apply to each vehicle the Contractor tows at the request of the Miami-Dade Police Department. The sale will be held at. 601 NW 1 Court, on the 9th Floor, in. Subject to its conditions, to enter into a contract substantially in the terms herein.