This certification is required when filing a title application for a repossessed vehicle, titled ORV, or titled watercraft, or a registration. How to fill out the Michigan Repossession Certification Form Guide?1. Gather all necessary vehicle and repossession details. 2. Make the steps below to fill out Certification of Repossession - TR -10 - State of Michigan - michigan online quickly and easily. 1. Gather information of the recent owner from records. Learn more about Michigan's repossession laws, what Michigan repo agents can and cannot do, and what happens after the car is taken away. Michigan repossession laws allow repossession companies to remove all loose items from the car or truck and store them at cost to you. There may be a lien on the car itself, but not the possessions. The Electronic Registration and Title (ERT) System allows you to complete and print an Application for Vehicle Transaction(s) (VSD 190). If you do not send in the Affidavit of Defense, the creditor might sell the car to pay off the loan.