Michigan's Foreclosure Law includes a six-month redemption period (12 months for agricultural property that is larger than three acres) for homeowners. Foreclosure is a complicated multistep process that allows mortgage lenders to repossess homes from homeowners who have missed payments on their mortgage loan.Is the hardship permanent? Do you want to stay in the house? Learn about what to expect and your options if you or your landlord is facing a mortgage foreclosure or if you are facing a tax foreclosure. If your home is at risk of foreclosure, it's important to understand the Michigan foreclosure process so you know your options. The foreclosure notice must be published for 4 successive weeks at least once a week, in a newspaper published in the county where the property is located. If you're behind on your mortgage payments, you could face foreclosure on your home. In Michigan, most foreclosures are done without going to court. If you are having problems making your house payments call your bank.