Rule 3.105 - Claim and Delivery (A) Nature of Action; Replevin. Read this article to learn more about how to fill out a blank court form.Finding the Forms You Need. A civil action may be brought to recover possession of any goods or chattels which have been unlawfully taken or unlawfully detained and to recover damages. You must return this order not less than 20 days, nor more than 90 days, from the effective date. Wayne County Small Claims Court helps citizens of Wayne County resolve minor disputes fairly, quickly, and inexpensively. 64B District Court. Filing. Pursuant to Michigan Court Rule 1.109(G)(3)(f), all attorneys are required to file matters electronically via MiFile. If you are involved in a legal dispute over property, an official from the court will inform you when you need a bond and in what amount. It also requires filing an affidavit in the county or district court where the property is.