Complete this form and bring it with the license plates, if any, to any Motor Vehicles office. Money laundering enables criminal activity and is necessary to disguise illgotten gains.We know that losing access to your account can be frustrating. 1. Gather information of the recent owner from records. PDF form, and a print run of 2000 copies. Served as the lead technical project manager for Crealogix digital banking solution to be implemented in the largest bank in SEA (based out of Thailand). We can understand this findings as a form of "opening up" and "broadening out" of technology appraisal. The firm calculated that about 359,000 bitcoins were bought in the same pe riod, and that imbalance has continued in 2021. Finally, ensure that the form is notarized after completion. imageSign. How to fill out the Affidavit of Repossession for Motor Vehicle Title?