Forms may not be filed on a different size or color paper. Steps for Filing a Complaint.Have an original and two copies of your completed forms for each defendant, or tenant, named in the summons and complaint forms. I wanted to file a 11252 verified complaint form to the New Jersey Courts (Middlesex Branch). In the form, I am seeking. To file a consumer complaint, complete the Office of Inspections - Consumer Affairs Complaint Form, or call 732-398-2300 for a form to be sent to you. This form must be completed and filed with the complaint or other initial pleading in all District Court and BMC civil actions seeking money damages. The following instructions and forms are intended to be a guide and as such do not address every possible situation. In general, a complaint has six parts: caption, parties, statement of facts, statement of claims, request for relief, and jury demand. Below you may download a printable version of the Complaint Form.