This article will explain what "replevin" is, and why this type of lawsuit can be useful for recovering personal property. Replevin actions are a versatile tool for obtaining or regaining personal property which you have the right to possess.There was a replevin filed against me and I want to know what I should do next. This fact sheet talks about repossessions, what can be taken, and what to do if your property is being repossessed. They can start a lawsuit in court called "replevin. " In a replevin, the sheriff does the repossession with a court order. After several months (around 18 or so) my vehicle was yet to be repossessed. These files can include a replevin complaint or replevin order. You typically file a complaint asking for return of the property and also file an affidavit that you are entitled to possession. Replevin requires the plaintiff to have a present right to possess the property (a secured lien or property right).