To submit this form, visit your local court's Clerk's office, where you'll provide the completed forms and pay any applicable fees. In California, replevin cases are typically filed in the Superior Court of the county where the property is located or where the defendant resides.This article will explain what "replevin" is, and why this type of lawsuit can be useful for recovering personal property. (File Application for Temporary Restraining Order, form CD-190.) a written document,. The California court system uses forms. The California Rules of Court, starting with rule 2.100, tell you what is required for any documents you file with the court. Start with "pleading paper. GovDelivery Subscribe Sign up to receive updates. ORDERED that "Plaintiff's Motion to Set Hearing on Replevin Complaint" (Doc. A writ of possession is issued as a provisional remedy in a cause of action for claim and delivery, also known as replevin.