This form is used in the County Court of Marion County, Florida. Replevin actions are a versatile tool for obtaining or regaining personal property which you have the right to possess.STATEMENT OF CLAIM (In Replevin). This article will explain what "replevin" is, and why this type of lawsuit can be useful for recovering personal property. Your hearing date will be set at least sixty (60) days out from the date of filing your case. An. REPLEVIN COMPLAINT o Fill in your name as plaintiff(s), address and phone number o Fill in the defendant(s) name and address for service. Please do not send cash through the mail. GovDelivery Subscribe Sign up to receive updates. If you are involved in a legal dispute over property, an official from the court will inform you when you need a bond and in what amount. All theories as to how the snuffbox ended up in Florida are based entirely on speculation.