No information is available for this page. If you don't make your car payments on time, your lender might have the right to take your car without going to court or telling you first.To request the sale of the repossessed vehicle or debt forgiveness, send a formal demand letter referencing your loan agreement, state laws, and CFPB resources. This free program helps you create an Answer to a Summons and Complaint regarding money that someone says you owe. If the secured party has NOT obtained the current Certificate of. Title, this application serves as a combination repossession form and application for title. If you feel that you're losing ground and not managing your debts as well as you'd like to, set up a debt payment plan. Completing this plan will take patience. If you are facing foreclosure, eviction, or repossession of property you should seek legal advice and financial counseling. You should also serve a copy of the Answer to the attorney who is representing the debt collector or creditor suing you.