Go to Business Record Details: Once you locate the business registration you are searching for, click the word "Details" toward the right side of the screen. The notary is simply stating that the document photocopy is a "true" and complete copy of the original document that was presented.I certify that this is a true and correct copy of a document in the possession of. ______. Dated:______. In this example, you admit that the facts in the Complaint are true, but you have an Affirmative. Defense (Discharge in Bankruptcy). Many states allow notaries to make certified copies of documents as long as the original document is not a publicly recorded document. What are Minnesota certified copies? For legal forms, assistance completing them and legal advice, please consult your legal advisor. Beginning with 2024 Certificates of Rent Paid, you must create and submit all Minnesota CRPs using e-Services. Tenant's budget plan amount. 327. 328.