If a car loan lender can't repossess a vehicle, it will probably get possession of the car through a process called "replevin." While repossession does not involve a formal process in court, replevin consists of getting the court to order the consumer to return the vehicle to the lender.If you default on your car loan payments, the lender can take your car back through repossession or replevin. Learn the difference. When someone takes your property wrongly and refuses to give it back, you can file a replevin action. This page will provide an overview of Alabama's Repossession Laws and what you should know if you've fallen behind on car payments. If you don't make your car payments on time, your lender might have the right to take your car without going to court or telling you first. Generally, a Chapter 13 also allows you to reduce the interest rate on your car loan. Our vehicle repossession lawyer can help stop a car repossession. Learn about car repossession loopholes from Grainger Legal.