Filing a replevin or detinue requires four steps: 1. SHOW CAUSE ORDER IN ACTION OF REPLEVIN. (Md.Replevin and detinue are two types of legal actions for the return of property. Asking for damages allows you to seek money from the defendant. Most forms used in the District Court are contained in this index. The writ will specifically describe and enumerate the property for replevin action. To initiate the replevin process with your attorney, you will file a Complaint form, a Show Cause Order, and a Request for Service. At Lusk Law, LLC, we have extensive experience handling replevin and detinue claims, which are generally litigated in district court. When you file for replevin, you must demonstrate in a Show Cause hearing that you are entitled to gain possession of the property right away. Rule 12-601 - Possession of Personal Property Before Judgment-Replevin (a)Action in District Court.