The information you report on this form may be used to help us investigate violations of state laws. Learn more about Nevada's repossession laws, what Nevada repo agents can and cannot do, and what happens after the car is taken away.In most cases, a secured creditor can repossess the property that serves as collateral for the loan without filing a lawsuit against you. You have 20 days to respond to a debt collection lawsuit in Nevada. To respond, you should draft and file an Answer to the Summons and Complaint. We have developed specific online complaint forms in order to assist our office in the investigation of a complaint of an alleged violation. We call that "repossession. " Unlike your credit card debt or that hospital bill, secured creditors in Nevada often have a unique power: self-help repossession. Org to find out if you are eligible for services. Purchasers of credit card debt also need to comply with NRS 97A.