Learn more about Nevada's repossession laws, what Nevada repo agents can and cannot do, and what happens after the car is taken away. A PDF of these instructions is available here.How to fill out the Repossession Affidavit Form for Nevada DMV? Repo's Allowed: After 20 day "Right to Cure" letter from lienholder to debtor, repossession allowed without committing a breach of peace. You should use this form when engaging a repossession agency to recover a vehicle on behalf of a creditor. If you get behind on your car payments or don't have auto insurance, the loan company can take your car. This is called vehicle repossession. I am unclear as to why you are expecting to hear from an insurance company. When a car is repossessed, car insurance is not involved. You, the Buyer (and Co-Buyer, if any), may buy the vehicle below for cash or on credit.