Notaries are often asked to certify that a photocopy of an original document is a true and accurate reproduction of the original. A certified copy is also known as a true copy.So basically, a true copy is a copy of original documents that claim its accuracy and completeness. If you are asked to certify a copy, you should make the photocopy yourself rather than try to compare two copies. A notary performs a notary copy certification when they verify that a copy of an original document is a true, correct, and complete copy. A notary may make a photocopy of the client's document, then write or fill out the "True Copy" notarial certificate, then put their signature and the stamp. A true copy is a reproduction of an original document that is close enough to the original that anyone can understand it. Pad of 100 certificates. After a marriage ceremony is performed in Clark County, the marriage officiant who performed the ceremony will complete the certificate. > Copy Certificates < Definition.