How to fill out the Repossession Affidavit Form for Nevada DMV? You may mail this application and a check, money order or a Payment Authorization to the address on the form.Edit, sign, and share notice of repossession form online. No need to install software, just go to DocHub, and sign up instantly and for free. However, Nevada law protects against instant repossession. We have provided fast and reliable Nevada repossession services to creditors and lien holders since 1997. Based on the terms of the contract, the auto lender may be able to repossess a vehicle when the borrower is late on just one payment. When dealing with financial difficulties and unmanageable car payments, one of the options you might consider is voluntary repossession. Your car loan can't go into default until your payment is 30 full days late. Before that, the lender can't legally repossess your beloved vehicle.