The documentation and forms required for titling a vehicle are based on the situation involving the vehicle, as described in the table below. 1. Enter the lienholder's name and address.Form MVR-3 requires information such as the vehicle owner's name, address, and driver's license number, as well as details about the repossession. How to fill out the Repossession Affidavit and Vehicle Transfer Form? 1. Locate the vehicle identification number (VIN) and enter it in the specified field. If your car is repossessed: You are entitled to any property in the car that was not part of original sale. Complete this form and bring it with the license plates, if any, to any Motor Vehicles office. Form 4034 Repossession Affidavit d. Form 4031 – Secured Bill of Sale. Contact your creditor when you realize that you will be late with a payment.