Blank Application Forms. The below forms may be dropped at a secure drop box, at one of our offices, during regular business hours, am to pm.Blank SAR 7 Forms are also available at Alameda County Social Services Agency offices. You can find instructions on how to fill out the SAR 7 form here: The California Debt and Investment Advisory Commission (CDIAC) provides information, education, and technical assistance on debt issuance and public. In instances where a license plate has been issued, the code AT (for all-terrain vehicle) or SN (for snowmobile) should be entered in the LIT Field. Schnrti voting precincts is detailed on page B-12. Complete the worksheets in this booklet for each credit and deduction for which the business is eligible . To apply for an EAD, CAM parolees must file a Form I-765 and must select the category c(11), "Paroled in the Public. Interest. The support in this group is phenomenal.