Edit, sign, and share vehicle release form from police department online. Complete this form and bring it with the license plates, if any, to any Motor Vehicles office.This file contains the Georgia Affidavit of Repossession Form T-16, which is necessary for repossessing a motor vehicle due to non-payment. S.No, Agency, Form Number, Form Title, Status Code, Content Type, Form URL. I certify that I, or the firm, company, or corporation I am authorized to represent, am the legal owner within the meaning of California Vehicle Code. The official website of the City of Oakland. Find out about meetings, request City services through OAK 311, or contact the Mayor and City Council. LOAN PAY-OFF DEMAND REQUEST FORM. This form must be completely filled out and submitted along with all required documents. Tell your creditors what's going on, and try to work out a new payment plan with lower payments you can manage.