Complete this form and bring it with the license plates, if any, to any Motor Vehicles office. Address. Commissioner of Motor Vehicles (enter Name of Motor Vehicles office notified).The MV-327 form serves as a crucial document for the repossession of a motor vehicle or motorcycle, outlining the steps a repossessor must take. 1. Enter the lienholder's name and address. Notice of Repossession of Motor Vehicle or Motorcycle. Complete Form MVR4A properly signing in the presence of a notary. 2. By completing the form, the purchaser authorizes the dealer to assume the loan and finance the vehicle as. This guide includes information about filling out forms for small claims court. To fill out this form, you'll need to provide detailed information about the repossessed vehicle and follow specific steps to notify the appropriate parties. You, the Buyer (and Co-Buyer, if any), may buy the vehicle below for cash or on credit.