A loan agreement is a legal document between a creditor who lends money to a borrower that is repaid with interest. A personal loan agreement can protect both you and the borrower when you lend money.Use our step-by-step guide for how to write a personal loan agreement. A loan agreement is a formal written contract used whenever money is borrowed. THIS LOAN AGREEMENT ("the Agreement") is entered into as of this _____ day of. Simply fill out the attached loan agreement form to carefully document the loan amount, interest rate, contract details and terms. EXAMPLE PERSONAL LOAN AGREEMENT​​ This loan agreement is dated January 1, 2023. Download a loan agreement template to establish a borrower-lender relationship and ensure both parties meet their obligations. A personal loan agreement is a contract between two parties, generally a borrower and a lender. It outlines how much is borrowed, how it's repaid and more.