Using this online citizen police report system allows you to submit a report immediately and obtain an unofficial copy of the police report for your records. You may use this form to make your commendation or complaint, but the preferred method is to speak directly with a Police Department supervisor.Police Department will have a conclusion of fact for each allegation of misconduct, utilizing the following criteria:. Online Police Reporting Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat do I do if this is an emergency or if online incident reporting is not right for me? The Internal Affairs Unit is located on the third floor of the police facility at 600 Banyan Boulevard, West Palm Beach, Florida 33401. Complete our form to submit a commendation or a complaint. If you filed a complaint report with the NYPD, you can obtain verification that your report was submitted or obtain a copy of the police report. Florida statutes require that all police agencies in the state have a complaint procedure: Florida Statutes 112.533 – Receipt and processing of complaints. Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office. Law enforcement who require the form may contact the department at 800-226-6667 to request a copy. Resources.