All Circuit Civil lawsuits and pleadings filed are maintained in the File and Docketing area at the Main Courthouse, on third floor in room 3.2300. The Order to Show Cause must be served on the Defendant at least five days prior to the hearing.The Law Library provides limited forms and packets for free. Forms available for download are below. If you are filing a consumer replevin case, you must draft a complaint and attach it to the Summons. Also review the forms included in the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure, including Form 1.908, 1.916, 1.937, and 1.995. F.S. §78.055 sets forth the allegations which must be contained in a complaint if a party seeks a writ of replevin prior to a final judgment. This provision requires recording of the notice if review of a final trial court order in a civil case is sought. Crum, 262 F.2d 586 (6th Cir. 1958).