Standard (1-year) Lease Agreement – This rental contract allows a tenant to lease a residential property for 12 months, usually with the option to renew. A Pennsylvania standard residential lease agreement is a legal document between a landlord and a tenant for renting residential property for a fixed period.Upon the beginning of the Proration Period or the start of the Lease. Term, whichever is earlier, the Landlord agrees to give access to the Tenant in the form. A Pennsylvania lease agreement is a contractual form that states the facts surrounding a rental property. Use Listing for Rent Contract – Exclusive Right to Rent Real Property (Form XLR) for rental property. Downloads Membership required for access. Renting out commercial or residential properties in Pennsylvania? Use this free Pennsylvania lease agreement template as a starting point for your relationship. A Pennsylvania lease agreement is a legal document allowing landlords to rent their property to tenants in exchange for payment.