We can provide you with guidance on how to fill out forms. • We can usually answer questions about court deadlines.Complaint Information. Please explain your complaint: Try to be brief, but be sure to tell WHAT happened, WHEN it happened and WHERE it happened. NOTICE: This is a public document, which means the document as submitted will be available to the public upon request. Complaint, you, or your attorney, must file a written Answer to the Verified Complaint and proof of service within thirtyfive. We want the public to file complaints to let us know when a licensed professional (called a licensee) has committed sexual misconduct. I have read the Complaint and certify that the allegations contained in the Complaint are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Precomplaint discovery, however, may also be a tool for fleshing out facts and witnesses prior to filing a formal complaint. 1. Fill out a Complaint form. a.