If you are seeking the return of an item of personal property, check the box in the "Miscellaneous" section for "Replevin". 4. Fill out a Monitoring Notice. a.Issue Writ of Seizure, for possession, in the above proceeding, for the property described as follows: . Attorney for. Replevin. Example 3 If you are seeking the return of an item of personal property, check the box in "Miscellaneous" section for "Replevin. Included on this page are forms for filing civil complaints, private criminal complaints and notices of settlement when cases are privately resolved. The process of starting a replevin action usually begins with filing a complaint. As a prerequisite to bringing a claim for replevin, the moving party must make a demand for return of the property. The body of the complaint should clearly and concisely state the reason you are bringing suit. Include the dates on which transactions occurred. 3.