The procedure in the action of replevin from the commencement to the entry of judgment shall be in accordance with the rules relating to a civil action. A writ of seizure through a replevin action is one of the few ways the law allows animal owners to recover the family members that they love.--The owner may also recover the impounded livestock, at any time before the livestock are sold, through a successful action of replevin. The process of starting a replevin action usually begins with filing a complaint. In Pennsylvania, a replevin action allows a court to order that property be returned to the party asserting rightful ownership. Sure, I understand your concern. Issue Writ of Seizure, for possession, in the above proceeding, for the property described as follows: . Attorney for. Replevin. In the case of replevin, however, the lawsuit is filed for the less common relief of the return of the actual property itself. Of "court" and "judge.