For a lienholder to certify that a vehicle has been legally repossessed. Under Arizona law, your creditor doesn't have to notify you before repossessing your vehicle.I certify that I am the legal owner and a lienholder of record for the vehicle described above, that the vehicle is physically located in. Question: I just recently had my car repossed and would like to know if the creditor can garnish my wages for the balance of the loan? It verifies that the owner has repossessed the vehicle due to default, in accordance with Arizona's laws and regulations. Tribal Repossession Titles and Oklahoma Tax Commission Motor Vehicle Division (August 19, 2002). Then a dealership must send a certified letter. This product provides you with the necessary letter(s) template for you to use in order to help remove vehicle repossessions from your credit report. MyAccount. Don't miss an update! Reach out to us at (602) 466-9631 today.