For a lienholder to certify that a vehicle has been legally repossessed. You'll have to figure out how you can amend your budget so you are not living above your means, which is usually the cause of a repossession.Repossession Affidavit may be found in the downloadable forms section. Car was impounded and put on a 20 day hold, finance company picked it up right before the 20 days I do not want to pay repo fee. Police can be defacto repo men under state law if certain conditions are met. The law states someone first must have missed payments for 90 days. Get information on permits for your Tempe alarm system and report false alarms here. Chat with a member support rep on our website or in the Canvas app. Learn about programs and organizations that give free legal advice and may help you find a free or lowcost attorney. You'll avoid the costs of repossession and a negative entry on your credit report.