An Arizona lease agreement is a document created for a landlord to outline the terms and conditions of renting property to a tenant. Let's go over how to fill out the Arizona Association of Realtors residential lease agreement!Standard Lease Agreement Confirms the particulars of the contract to grant the right of use of a residential unit to a lessee. An Arizona lease agreement is a contract between a tenant and landlord that establishes terms for renting a residential or commercial property. Arizona rental agreements are for landlords to create a legal contract with a tenant for the lease of commercial or residential space. An Arizona standard lease agreement is a contract between a landlord and tenant that governs the rental of a residential property. Landlords and their tenants often use Arizona Lease Agreements as a means of laying out the details of a new tenancy. A lease agreement is a legal document between a landlord and tenant that lays out the terms and conditions of renting property. Wondering how to fill out a standard rental contract? Our free PDF form template and simple step-by-step guide will cover all your questions.