Repossession of Property Financing occurs when you buy property (a vehicle, mobile home or furniture) but do not pay the entire sales price at once. All of the forms listed are in English.Complete this form and bring it with the license plates, if any, to any Motor Vehicles office. The lienholder may also visit a motor vehicle agency to obtain a duplicate title. The tribe makes their code available online. The link below will take you to the version of the code available on the tribe's website. A "Writ of Replevin" is a court order to repossess the property and must list the vehicle's description including the identification number (VIN). You have 20 days to respond to a debt lawsuit in Arizona. When a creditor sues you for debt, you'll generally receive two documents: a Summons and a Complaint. Example: MVD receives a request from a tow company to file a vehicle as abandoned.