A lien holder will go to court and obtain a court order for repossession. This order, called a Writ of Replevin, allows for recovery of the vehicle in question.MORSE, J. Replevin for a cow. A writ of replevin is a prejudgment process ordering the seizure or attachment of alleged illegally taken or wrongfully withheld property. Livestock Liens Instructions Pima County daily Court. Know your rights under the Stableholders Lien Act. In the late 1960s, the PMT began lobbying their Congressional. Representative, Mr. Manuel Lujan, Jr., to introduce a bill into Congress that. I make a specialty of Bank Rail- ings and will guarantee to furnish a better class of work than can be procured elsewhere. A replevin action for a pet, known in Minnesota as a claim and delivery action, may be brought when there is a property ownership dispute.