In the year that you sell your home, you are required to complete Form 8828 and submit it with your federal income tax return. The effect of filing a bankruptcy grants an automatic stay in debt collection efforts including foreclosures.This article will help you understand how to report the cancelation of a debt and the income or loss recognized from property that was foreclosed. No, the towing company is not allowed to release an impounded vehicle without paperwork from the Tucson Police Department. You must follow the process outlined. We provide free legal services including eviction, foreclosure, public benefits denial, guardianship of children in your care, Orders of Protection. A Copy of letter from the repossessing lender notifying the second lien holder of the intent to repossess. a. The Company's Board of Directors has authorized the purchase of up to 1,500,000 shares of its Common stock at prevailing market prices. See a list of parcels to which the Pima County Treasurer's Office has issued a Treasurer's Deed, and are available for purchase through auction. Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community, Arizona, Code of Ordinances Page 83.