What do I do after I complete the forms? After completing the forms using the instructions in this packet, you must file the forms with the court.To file a report or complaint through the Hotline service: Complete an online Complaint Form; Call toll-free at 1-855-503-8072. AZTurboCourt will only accept Supporting Documents in the PDF, DOCX and ODT formats for Pima. Employee complaints may be filed with the involved employee's supervisor or, if the supervisor is not known, the complaint may be filed with Internal Affairs. 06 Complaint Procedure for Students with Disabilities. To file a program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint. – You may visit your County Recorder's Office and fill out a registration form in person. If anyone from the public requests copies of any documents, they need to fill out an information request form. Voter registration forms are available online, or you can request that a voter registration form be mailed to you from your County Recorder.