The CFPB complaint database, credit card plan survey and agreement database are good places to start if you are shopping for a credit card. Learn more about New York's repossession laws, what New York repo agents can and cannot do, and what happens after the car is taken away.Learn about summons and complaint law services from the NYC Bar Legal Referral Service. Find an attorney in New York to help with answering complaints. You can make a complaint about a credit card company and its services. Complaints about pre-paid cards are also accepted. The Law Office of Ronald D. Weiss, PC represents clients in all manner of credit card debt relief. You have 1030 days to respond to a debt collection lawsuit in New York. You can use the SoloSuit Answer form or other state forms to help you get started. The car is the collateral for the loan, and you give the lender a security interest in the vehicle.