If you don't make your car payments on time, your lender might have the right to take your car without going to court or telling you first. In California, a vehicle can be repossessed if the borrower fails to meet their loan obligations or fails to make insurance payments.You also have to pay repossession and storage fees. You must prove that you have current insurance and a valid driver license. You will then file it and serve it on the person. Call our legal team today at (877) 969-7482 if you are facing repossession so we can assess your situation and explain all of your options under the law. Learn about programs and organizations that give free legal advice and may help you find a free or lowcost attorney. The car is the collateral for the loan, and you give the lender a security interest in the vehicle. Your car can be repossessed at anytime when your payments are in default. You must complete a charge details section for each disclosable charge in the criminal case.