Pleading Paper Instructions. Pleading Paper – Sacramento Format. RTF.To submit this form, visit your local court's Clerk's office, where you'll provide the completed forms and pay any applicable fees. This pleading paper has a fillable caption and is formatted for Sacramento County but can be altered for use in any California county. In California, replevin cases are typically filed in the Superior Court of the county where the property is located or where the defendant resides. Attached are the forms you need to file to begin an action for replevin. These forms must be filled out and submitted to the Clerk of the Court together. Fill out a Small Claims Summons and Complaint form or Summons for Consumer Replevin form. Designate your voting representative: Fill out the attached Voting Representative Form by. This document provides instructions for completing an INF 70 form to request driver license, vehicle registration, or other record information.