What forms must be included in the application package? You have a right to request proof that the individual carrying out the repossession is currently licensed as a repossession agency, qualified manager, or agent.Is a repossessed vehicle exempt from current registration? Repossession is lawful only when the written contract for the purchase or lease of the vehicle states that the creditor has the right to repossess the vehicle. Attorney specializing in California car repossession law. Learn about your California rights after a repossession and how to get your repossessed car back. In California, a vehicle can be repossessed if the borrower fails to meet their loan obligations or fails to make insurance payments. This page will provide an overview of California's Repossession Laws and what you should know if you've fallen behind on car payments. Under California law, your lender can repossess your vehicle the instant you default on your loan terms. In some situations, someone else from the lender's company or even the lender may come to initiate the repossession.