This page explains what a residential foreclosure is, the steps involved in the process, and where to get help. Foreclosure means your creditor is trying to take your house and sell it to collect the money you owe.This happens when you get behind on your payments. Under Judicial Foreclosure: Your mortgage lender must file suit in the court system. You'll get a letter from the court demanding payment. Pre-Foreclosure Sale Application​​ This package must be completed in its entirety including signatures, initials, and dates. Ensure full compliance with state foreclosure laws. Ascent Law offers guidance to protect your rights and navigate foreclosure procedures effectively. Foreclosures in Utah may be either judicial or nonjudicial, with the latter, cheaper option the preferred choice of most banks and mortgage servicers. Foreclosure Lawyer in South Salt Lake Utah call Ascent Law LLC (801) 676-5506 For Your Free Consultation.