After filling out your forms, file them with the justice court where your case was filed. File the judgment or Abstract of Judgment in the office of the County Recorder in the county in which the debtor's real property is located.You will need to provide one (1) copy of each for the court, plus one (1) copy for each defendant. Fill out the respondent identifying information at the bottom of the Return if applicable. In Utah, anyone over 18 years of age who is not a party in the case can legally deliver service of process documents. Form should be provided in word processing format to the other party, who then will continue to fill in the form. Fill out a Small Claims Summons and Complaint form or Summons for Consumer Replevin form. Non-Discrimination Statement. Court, State of Utah, Salt Lake County, Salt Lake City,. 10QSB 1 ensurge10qsb.