The facts, as presented, must be in the form of an affidavit, and notarized or signed under oath. In California, replevin cases are typically filed in the Superior Court of the county where the property is located or where the defendant resides.2. Fill out a Small Claims Summons and Complaint form or Summons for Consumer Replevin form. In general, Texas has very few official legal forms. This form is for complaints regarding assigned criminal defense attorneys only. This is not for hired or civil attorneys. The claim form is designed to get you to fill in the obvious blanksyour name and address, the person's name and address you are suing. Attached are the forms you need to file to begin an action for replevin. These forms must be filled out and submitted to the Clerk of the Court together. If there is an official form for a legal procedure, it is usually found on the court or court clerk websites.