Contact the Internal Affairs Unit with complaints and compliments. We review all feedback and use it to better serve you.The facts, as presented, must be in the form of an affidavit, and notarized or signed under oath. To file a consumer complaint online, please click below, fill out the form and click "Send. Contact Opportunity Home San Antonio for information, to share feedback, report fraud, request open records, make a donation, or make media requests. Airline Name: Flight Number: Date: In order for your complaint to be considered complete, you must file within 180 days of the alleged act of discrimination. General Inquiries or Complaints. Procedure to File a Complaint. Any person who believes there has been a violation of the ethics laws may file a sworn complaint. OSHA accepts whistleblower complaints made orally (telephone or walk-in at any OSHA office) or in writing, and in any language.