Foreclosure scams to watch out for and where to get help; Your rights and what happens in a non-judicial foreclosure; What rights a tenant has in a foreclosure. If you are a consumer who wishes to file a complaint, please use our online complaint form.Enclosed is a Real Estate Fraud Complaint form. Guidelines for completing and returning the form is provided on the following page. Org or call (909) 382-7700. During the foreclosure when are property taxes paid? ➢ Any time the property is in jeopardy of a tax sale. 6215, in the City of Apple Valley, County of San Bernardino, State 10 of California, as per map recorded in Book 81 page(2) 16 and 17, of maps, in the office of The trustee turns over the funds to the court if a complaint is filed. How much time do I have to claim surplus funds?