This article will provide you with the format and samples for a loan foreclosure request letter format and help you write a good letter. I XYZ, holding a loan account in your branch with account number 7618xxxxxx0991.This guide has basic information about. We have included some samples of foreclosure letters, as well as some examples of house loan foreclosure letter formats, to make things easier. The California Homeowner Bill of Rights is a set of laws that provide protections to homeowners who are facing foreclosure. Our team at Equity Legal LLP will review your "2nd mortgage foreclosure" legal matter and get back to you shortly. Please fill out all required fields. A letter of explanation can clarify your financial situation and get you one step closer to qualifying for a mortgage. City of San Diego • Form NC-93 • March 2024. Find out how our VA loan technicians can help you avoid foreclosure and keep your house.