San Diego, CA 2653-1368. Phone: (916) 322-4000 or (800) 952-5210.What forms must be included in the application package? As soon as you miss a car payment, the lender can arrange to have your car repossessed—the lender doesn't need to get your permission or to tell you in advance. Our commonly used forms including the direct deposit form and dispute form are provided for your convenience. A creditor cannot repossess something that hasn't been named as collateral for your debt. An unsecured personal loan is an example. I certify that I, or the firm, company, or corporation I am authorized to represent, am the legal owner within the meaning of California Vehicle Code. Credit Unions usually repo vehicles unless a reaffirmation agreement is signed and that they cannot repo until the automatic stay is lifted. We help with issues around debt collection, repossession, sales contracts, car contracts, identity theft, student loans, medical debt, scams, and bankruptcy.