The IRS Online Payment Agreement system lets you apply and receive approval for a payment plan to pay off your balance over time. About Form 1099S, Proceeds from Real Estate Transactions.More In Forms and Instructions. We help with issues around debt collection, repossession, sales contracts, car contracts, identity theft, student loans, medical debt, scams, and bankruptcy. The process begins with the filing of the formal request for an installment agreement, which is typically done using Form 433-D. Use Form 9465 to request a monthly installment plan if you cannot pay the full amount you owe shown on your tax return (or on a notice we sent you). Centro San Juan Diego, 2830 Lawrence St, Denver, CO 80205 - p.m. In California after your car or truck was sold, the finance company charged you a deficiency on the balance of the contract. Use the IRS Online payment Agreement Tool for help. Spot and avoid scammy debt settlement or debt relief organizations — whether they're offering credit counseling, debt settlement, or any other service.